Over the years, I’ve collected a number of photos of various mayflies, stoneflies and caddisflies from our rivers in southern Ontario. I’ve been wanting to put them together in one spot for a while, to serve as a reference for fly tying and fly selection when trying to match the hatch on our rivers.
Well, I finally got around to doing this and you can check out the full reference here. It includes some supporting information for each species, such as (fly) size, timing and description. I even linked to these photos from my Credit River Hatch Chart.

Most of the adult insects from the Credit River are present, but this reference will be fairly accurate for the same insects on other rivers throughout Ontario and other eastern provinces and states. The main differences will be timing and some slight colour and size variation. I’ll be adding more adults and nymphs (especially those that don’t occur on the Credit) in the near future.
With trout season just a couple weeks away in Ontario, I hope these will be useful for topping up your fly boxes!